To whoever may be thinking about getting braces....!
My mum and dad decided I needed braces a while ago, and decided to bring me to Dermot Kavanagh Orthodontics for a consultation. Dermot and Michaela explained everything that would happen over the coming 18 months or so if we decided to have them do the work on me. I liked them straight away. They both made me feel comfortable and answered all my questions in a way that meant I wasn't worried about the whole braces thing anymore.
And so, 2 days after my 11th birthday, on October 18th 2011, my dad brought me back to Dermot and Michaela to have braces fitted to my top and bottom teeth. Dermot took lots of photos of my teeth before the work started. I liked being able to choose the colour of the bands he used to keep the wire in place. I went back every 6 weeks or so for check-ups and adjustments. Sometimes, a thicker wire was put on, and for a few days afterwards, my teeth were very sore and sensitive, but that always passed. Once or twice, one of the brackets came unstuck from a tooth, but Dermot never made a fuss about having to replace them. We are still not sure if the crunchy garlic bread was to blame!
As it turned out, it didn't take the full 18 months for the work to be completed. My braces came off in February 2013 and I love how my teeth look now. Dermot took photos again and it was amazing to see all the changes that had happened. It took a while to get used to seeing them again, having been hidden behind lots of metal all that time. At the start of the work, Dermot explained that I would have to change the way I brushed my teeth while the braces were on. It was really annoying having to do it, but I'm glad I did it because there were no marks of any kind on my teeth when he took my braces off.
I really like how my teeth look now and I'm really glad we decided to get the work done by Dermot and Michaela.
Thanks! - Ciara, Killiney
I was referred to Dr. Dermot Kavanagh by my Periodontist following extensive treatment for periodontal disease. As a result of the periodontal problems many of my upper front teeth had become displaced over a period of some years. I was very self conscious about this and apart from the aesthetic look of my teeth I was also having problems with my bite. All of this did impact on my quality of life, so when orthodontic work was suggested in order to correct the problem I was very willing to go ahead with it.
At first I was very reluctant about wearing braces as I am not of the generation where braces seem to be the 'norm', but I felt very reassured by the choices of braces, in terms of visibility, that I was offered. I decided on 'almost see-through' ones, and many people did not even notice that I was wearing braces at an initial meeting.
I was very confident about the way the treatment was carried out, the process and the progress was explained as it went along and I always felt that I could contact the practice should I have any difficulties. The procedures involved were never what I would describe as painful, after each visit there would be a few days of discomfort that would then settle down. After some months I was already seeing a noticeable improvement in the alignment of the teeth. Wearing the brace didn't present any difficulties with eating or teeth cleaning.
I would have no hesitation in recommending orthodontic treatment if it is required, and it is not just for teenagers! I am very grateful that it was suggested to me as an option. How others 'see' us is very important to us and being confident about eating, talking and smiling is something that we take for granted - until dental problems impair that ability. I am absolutely delighted with the orthodontic work I have had done and feel that the financial investment was returned with dividends. Being able to schedule appointments on Saturdays was also a great help to me. I am absolutely confident about smiling and speaking to groups again and feel my self-confidence has been restored.
I would genuinely recommend orthodontic work for anyone that requires it, based on my own experience, it has without doubt been one of the best decisions I have made. - Dorothy C
From day one the friendliness of Dr. Dermot Kavanagh and his staff was very reassuring and really aided me in settling into the idea of having braces. Throughout the entire process I felt able to call the practice or ask Dr. Kavanagh any questions I needed to ask. The advice I would give to anybody considering having orthodontic treatment is to trust Dermot's professional opinion as in my own case, upon taking his advice we saved a considerable amount of money and I am still 100% satisfied with the end result. I am delighted with my new smile and couldn't have asked for more. - Padraic B
I was referred to Dermot Kavanagh in the summer of 2009 by my dentist as I had severe overcrowding in my bottom teeth and a large overbite. I was nervous during the first consultation but Dermot quickly set me at ease.
He told me what my treatment was going to consist of and how long the course of treatment was going to take. By October, I had fixed braces put on my bottom teeth and a removable brace for my top teeth. By the following October, my bottom teeth had significantly improved and my overbite had gone, so I got fixed braces put on my top teeth.
By the next October, my teeth had straightened out completely and my braces were removed. I was delighted with the outcome! When Dermot showed me the pictures he had taken of my teeth before and after the treatment, I was astounded. It's hard to believe such a big difference could occur in just two years.
I now wear two clear Essix retainers and there is a fixed wire behind my front six teeth on my top and bottom teeth to ensure my teeth don't drift back to their original position.
I would like to thank Dermot and Michaela for being ever helpful throughout the course of the treatment. They were only too happy to help with any queries I had and helped when any small problems arose. I would be very happy to recommend Dermot to anyone who needs orthodontic treatment. - Alex W
My main reason for getting orthodontic treatment was to straighten my teeth. I wanted my teeth straightened because I think a lovely smile and one that you are confident with is essential.
My experience was amazing. Dermot always made me feel both welcome and comfortable with getting my teeth done. He always explained perfectly what exactly he was doing with my teeth so I felt more confident and trusted that he would do great work on my teeth.
My results are perfect. I love my teeth and smile. It's perfect because it has character but is also straight. I feel confident smiling. - Sally B
You'd think that getting braces in your 20s isn't easy. After all, who wears them other than teenagers? I first came to Dr. Kavanagh with incisor teeth that had rotated and thrown the rest of my teeth out of alignment to the point that my bite was beginning to be seriously affected. Throughout university, I had grown consistently more aware of this problem. When I finally got the opportunity to avail of braces, I jumped at it.
I first came to Dr. Kavanagh's practice fearing that I'd face nothing but extractions followed by monstrous train track braces. Not so. While the traditional train track is still available for those who really need it, more "invisible" options now exist. You won't look like Jaws when you smile! Are there any "teething issues"? Of course there are. The first two weeks of wearing the brace are sore. After all, your teeth are being yanked in directions that are unnatural for them to move in. But after a while, you'll barely notice it and the improvements you'll see after a couple of months will make it all worthwhile.
In total, I wore my brace for 8 months and continue to wear a retainer at night. I had no difficulties with eating, talking or cleaning although it's advisable to stay away from sticky foods when wearing the brace. The entire process was delivered according to plan and was never painful. Dr. Kavanagh ensured that I was fully aware of the time my treatment would last. Everything was fully mapped out for me: start dates, end dates, appointments, etc. Throughout the entire process, I received nothing but excellent care and each step of the process was fully explained to me well in advance. If ever I had any queries or problems, it was easy to ring, email or just drop down to the practice to sort it out. Dermot and Michaela are very friendly and approachable.
For me, the end result was fantastic. After years of crooked teeth, I finally have gotten my smile back and now feel more confident when going out with my friends (most of whom have straight teeth too). My job is very focused on meeting clients. Knowing that I have straight teeth gives me an added confidence when conducting site visits. Furthermore, it has been fantastic to work with a dental practice that allows me to schedule appointments on a Saturday as I often work late hours. Overall, I would wholeheartedly encourage anyone who is considering orthodontic treatment to pursue it as I believe that the end results have greatly improved my overall quality of life. I am delighted with the results and couldn't have asked for more. - Richard N
My name is Orla T and I first visited Dr Dermot Kavanagh in 2007 because I had a large gap between my two front teeth which I had become very self conscious of.
The gap in my teeth was as a result of poor oral hygiene/ neglect of my gums and teeth over the previous 10 years as I had a fear of Dentists and didn't go for regular checkups etc. When I first visited Dr Kavanagh I explained my fear/nervousness of going to the dentist and found him very reassuring. He explained exactly what he could do to close the gap and brought me through the whole procedure of getting the braces on, how long I would have to wear them and the end result he would hope to achieve.
At no time during the initial visits did I feel any pressure to go ahead with getting braces but I came away feeling reassured that I could overcome my nerves and go ahead with the treatment. I started my treatment in 2008 and during it I always found Dr Kavanagh very professional, understanding to my fears/nervousness, helpful and at all times he listened to my concerns. Throughout my treatment we always discussed my options going forward. He and his team were always very friendly and obliging. If I had problems with my braces between scheduled visits I found them very approachable, reassuring and accommodating and as a result I never hesitated getting in contact. I am very satisfied with the end result and I really should have gone about rectifying my gap a long time ago. I am more confident in myself and now smile in pictures, something I wouldn't have done two years ago.
I would have no problem recommending Dr Kavanagh to others and my advice to anyone considering having treatment who may be nervous is not to worry about it, but to take the step and do it sooner rather than later as I was talking about doing it for years before I actually did anything about it and now I don't know why I waited so long!. - Orla T
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